Reach out to

[email protected] to discuss options for working together, in-person within Colorado or virtually nationwide!


    The Level-Up

Math Teaching Lab

Do you:

  • have strong math instructors who don’t get their fair share of professional development support from your internal instructional coaches?
  • worry about retaining your best teachers because their professional growth needs are beyond your capacity?  
  • see teachers struggle to implement professional learning from conferences or PLCs when they are back in their own classrooms? 


  • a collaborative, high-impact professional learning experience
  • designed for educators who are already strong in classroom culture and ready to take their mathematics teaching to the next level
  • strengthens both content knowledge and instructional practice
  • customized to individual professional growth focuses and goals
  • job-embedded, occurring within teachers’ specific and authentic contexts
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Custom Consulting Services

I am open to custom work with schools, districts, and organizations related to math education within Colorado and virtually.

Let's talk today.

[email protected]

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