Everyone can become a math person with...
Deep roots and strong wings: partnering with teachers and parents to nurture math learning that lasts
Schools and Teachers
Get support with improving the experience and learning outcomes in math classrooms.
Parents and Caregivers
Get support with raising a math-confident child and building numeracy at home.
Hi, I'm Erin.
I was a teacher and school leader for two decades. Halfway through that time span, I began to be bothered by the recognition that even when my students seemed to master math concepts, the learning often wouldn't stick. I started to wonder...
I set out on a journey to better understand this, leading me to explore how mindsets, curiosity, and deep thinking and connections make learning stick. Along the way, I've learned practices that empower both teachers and parents to create positive, enduring math experiences for children - including my own two young daughters. Now, through Roots and Wings Math, I share these insights to help schools, educators, and families cultivate math learning that lasts .
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Roots and Wings Math Newsletter
Insights, tips, and stories to help parents like you raise math-confident kids—drawing on lessons learned during 20 years of teaching to establish strong math foundations at home, in early childhood and beyond.